tom ford

SKU 888066035361

noir extreme


  • noir extreme
  • noir extreme
  • noir extreme


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An oriental woody fragrance wrapped in ambrah with a delicious heart, no more extravagant noir exterme, pushing himself to the extremes of refinement and seduction. Every aspect of the composition is intensified to capture the totality of the impeccable external expression of a man and his seductive inner nature
Tom Ford Noir Extreme opens on an incredibly rich combination of spicy heat and bright citrus fruits. The brush strokes skilled with mandarin oil and oil in Neroi North Africa Orpur create a clear contrast with the vibrant synergistic mixture of saffron, cardamom and nutmeg. This creates the charismatic aura of a man who is used to making an extraordinary impression.


Le note di testa sono Cardamomo, Noce Moscata, Zafferano, Mandarino e Neroli; le note di cuore sono Kulfi, Rosa, Mastice o Lentisco, Fiore d'Arancio e Gelsomino; le note di base sono Vaniglia, Ambra, Note Legnose e Sandalo.