What makes you think of lavender? Maybe it reminds you of your grandmother's bathroom, with its wallpaper and a violet soap resting on the sink. Or an old -fashioned barber shop, with its effluvi of lavender and oak moss suspended in the air.
As per tradition, the Labo, lava 31 upsets any preconception on lavender. Thanks to the essential oils of Bergamot and Nerooli, lavender emerges in all its pure essence, distilled starting from the flower buds only, giving creation of verticality and wealth. The background is in pure the labo -style: amber, earthy and musk notes, mixed with hints of tonka to give this fragrance a classic style that brings back to distant times, dirty and very clean at the same time, recognizable and undeniably unique. No, this is not the lavender you believed you know. Accommodated in a new reality.