"The Maison Creed is currently updating its packs in the context of its commitment to artisan excellence. If during this transition phase you will receive a slightly different packaging from that shown, we assure you that the bottle contains the same exquisite craft formula as before. "
A tribute to the awakening of nature and the senses, serene and positive. It is a summer dawn in Tuscany ... the purple and the gold of the sky announce a new day, long and lazy ... on the horizon you can see the soft curve of a hill dominated by a luxuriant orchard of plums leaning at the walls of a millennial village. The sun is rising and everything seems to be animated thanks to the brilliant light that announces the harmony that will come and the earth smiles, again kissed by beauty. I turn and observe you while still sleeping in the sheets, but as soon as they tickle your eyelids, your senses awaken, your eyes open surprised and ..., as in a poem by Eluard, "the sun It is freed ".