
SKU 7612017059334

v-line lifting concentrate

Face serum

  • v-line lifting concentrate


Expected delivery the:



A creamy gel that slips and merges with the skin giving it an ageless appearance. The wrinkles and strokes are progressively smooth from the inside to the outside thanks to the serum, which acts on the leather matrix by lipping it and making it compact.


Complesso AWF5 (Vitamina C, Fibro-Boost, GAGs-Boost, Densi-Derm, Cocktail di peptidi) Un’efficace sinergia che combatte le rughe e rassoda. Liposoma di RNA RNA e urea in una membrana fosfolipidica per stimolare i meccanismi di cicatrizzazione e la vitalità della pelle e creare armonia tra le cellule cutanee. Triplo DNA Ultra idratante, trattiene 10.000 volte il suo peso in acqua.

How to apply

In the morning and evening, apply a few drops on the face and neck. Massage slightly until complete absorption. Then continue the treatment with the most suitable face cream.