From the Union of the Three Roses: Bulgarian Rosa and the May Rose and Turkish Roso, was born, from the Maison Tom Ford, Rose Prick, enriched by the lively touch of pepper and spices, while the notes of the Indonesian patchouli envelop the precious heart of the Turkish rose . Intense and refined, it is a perfume as fascinating as it is overwhelming.
The rose prick fragrance is inspired by the private rose garden of Tom Ford. It is a natural composition that celebrates the splendid varieties of roses - May, Turkish and Bulgarian Rosa. Taglient and decisive, the spines of the stems merge, creating harmony among the flowers with pink shades. A rose under any other definition would not be Tom Ford.
"Fleshiness ... petals ... thorns. Rose Prick is a natural bouquet of splendid varieties, a trilogy with May, Turkish and Bulgarian Rosa. Pungent and sharp, the thorns of the stems intertwine each other, combining their flowers in the perfection of pink nuances. " - Tom Ford
Eau de parfum 50ml + 10ml