
SKU 3473311800084

Pinceau Estompe Paupières

Ombret brush

  • pinceau estompe


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PINceau Estompe, thanks to its thick and oblique form, enhances its gaze with simplicity. Its synthetic, wavy and soft bristles have been specially designed and selected to mix and blend the color. For this new range of brushes, Sisley has chosen to collaborate with Raphaël, a French -made maître from 1793, to ensure make -up accessories capable of improving the performance of its formulas. Plus: the function of the brush is written on the handle. Nobody can make mistakes!

How to apply

Use the flat part of the brush to apply light powders on the whole eyelid. The tip is used with a darker powder to form a "banana" in the eyelid fold and structure the gaze. Wash regularly and gently with a neutral soap or shampoo. Rinse abundantly. Dab without squeezing the bristles and let it dry outdoors. Beauty Tip: This brush is ideal for mixing colors with each other.