
SKU 634438910763

crema acida

PH balancer.

  • crema acida



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EMulsion from light texture, rapid absorption, formulated to regularize the pH of the skin in cases of alteration due to external or individual factors. The mixture of vegetable acids obtained from the flowers carries out an intense exfoliating action to stimulate the epidermal turn over and encourage the natural production of elastin and collagen for a visibly brighter, homogeneous and compact skin.
The natural hydroacidolipidic film of the epidermis regenerates, ensures intense protection and hydration. It is indicated for all skin types. It can be used as a cyclical skin renewal treatment or in combination
The usual treatment for the face to enhance its effects, as it makes the skin perfectly receptive.

How to apply

It applies on detergent leather, toned and dry with light massage.

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Silvia D.
Creme Acide: la crema migliore di sempre

Texture leggera, si assorbe in un attimo e ti sistema la pelle: migliora la texture, riduce i pori dilatati, manda via brufoli e imperfezioni. Per me è l'ideale in primavera ed estate. Mi è durata quasi un anno, vale ogni centesimo e la raccomando caldamente.