helena rubinstein

SKU 3605521954343

pure ritual care in lotion


  • pure ritual care in lotion


Expected delivery the:



Cellular and environmental impurities, even when they seem invisible, accumulate on the skin accentuating the visible signs of aging.
The Helena Rubinstein workshops introduce a complete range of Demquillage detector of youth that gently cleanses the skin and removes impurities. The sumptuous textures are enriched with active ingredients such as the glycolic acid that acts on the improvement of the skin texture to eliminate impurities outside and at the same time strengthen the skin cleaning systems from the inside to reveal its youth.

Even ritual careinlotion when the purity of the water is combined with the effectiveness of the treatment, the tonic performs a real miracle revealing a perfect skin. Authentic combination of pure ritual technology and a powerful complex based on hyaluronic acid, adenosine and hepes, this tonic purifies the skin for 12 hours. Perfectly prepared, the skin is ready to face the beauty routine with treatments whose effectiveness is thus improved. Day after day, the Pure Ritual tonic reveals a perfect and visibly younger skin. The pores are refined, the texture of the skin is smooth and the complexion appears bright.

It improves the effectiveness of the beauty routine: 80%* refine the texture of the skin: 81%*

* Self -assessment after 4 weeks, Asia.

How to apply

Use a cotton disk to apply the right amount of product. Tap on the skin with the tip of the fingers to encourage the absorption of the lotion and prepare the skin for your skincare routine.