
SKU 3473311815064

Blush L'Orchidée

Trio Di Blush Illuminanti

  • palette orchidée
  • palette orchidée
  • palette l'orchidée




Expected delivery the:



The orchidée is an illuminating blush that color and enhances the complexion with a bright veil. Its formula enriched with the white lily carefully preserves the comfort and softness of the skin.
His trio of ultra bright colors has been specifically made to enhance and sculpt the face: 3 delicate and slightly pearly colors that spread the light and give the incarnate an appearance of naturally radiant aspect.
With a single brush stroke, the complexion is exalted and homogeneous. A bright "bonne mine" effect in all lightness.


Giglio Bianco: addolcisce

How to apply

Applicare con un pennello. Prelevare una piccola quantità di prodotto e applicare con un movimento circolare come un blush sui punti chiave del viso o come un illuminante su tutto il viso.