augustinus bader

SKU 5060552903421

The Serum Full Set

Siero con TFC8®.

  • The Serum Full Set
  • The Serum Full Set
  • The Serum Full Set
  • The Serum Full Set


Expected delivery the:



Formulated to face the most persistent challenges of your skin, supporting total correction, hydration and renewal of the complexion. For healthy and young skin. Powered by TFC8®.

Key advantages
It reduces and helps prevent the appearance of thin lines, wrinkles and hyperpigmentation for younger -looking skin.
It improves the tone and smooths the texture for a brighter and uniform appearance skin. Increases the natural brightness of the skin.
It supports collagen production and increases elasticity for more fleshy and resistant skin.
It helps to lift, smooth and firm the falling skin, for a more firm and revitalized complexion.
It nourishes and moisturizes the skin, preventing the loss of humidity (Tewl) for an elastic skin and refreshed with greater elasticity.
It rebels and calms the stressed and excessively reactive skin. It helps to reduce redness.
It protects from environmental attackers and oxidative stress such as pollution.

Visible results
100% agree that the skin feels deeply hydrated after using this face serum.
98% agree that the skin is soft, elastic and more elastic.
97% agree on improving the texture of the skin.
96% agree that the complexion appears more compact and firmed.
91% agree that the skin appears healthier than ever.


Acqua/acqua/acqua, glicerina, 1,2-esandiolo, cellulosa, etilesil poliidrossistearato, resveratrolo, squalano, copolimero di acrilati di sodio, ascorbil tetraisopalmitato, olio di crusca di Oryza Sativa (riso), maltitolo, estratto di coltura del callo di Leontopodium Alpinum, xilitilglucoside, lecitina, Anidrossilitolo, acido citrico, xilitolo, proteine ​​idrolizzate del riso, maltodestrina, ialuronato di sodio, idrossido di sodio, O-Cymen-5-Ol, estratto di Punica Granatum, fitato di sodio, glucosio, gomma di xantano, estratto di foglie di Camellia Sinensis, lecitina idrogenata, acetato di tocoferile, Alanilglutammina, Arginina, Oligopeptide-177, Sorbato di potassio, Cloruro di sodio, Fenilalanina, Olio di semi di Sisymbrium Irio.

How to apply

Applicare sulla pelle pulita e asciutta mattina e sera o secondo necessità. Con movimenti ampi verso l'alto, applicare The Serum su viso, collo e décolleté fino a completo assorbimento. Dopo il siero viso, completa la routine di cura della pelle con una crema idratante o un olio Augustinus Bader.