
SKU 768614139225

Eye And Lip Contour Regenerating Cream

Crema Contorno Occhi e Labbra

  • future solutions lx eye and lip contour regenerating cream
  • future solutions lx eye and lip contour regenerating cream
  • future solutions lx eye and lip contour regenerating cream





Una crema rigenerante contorno occhi e labbra. Svolge un’azione riparatrice che attenua i segni dell’invecchiamento e migliora elasticità, compattezza e luminosità nelle delicate zone del contorno occhi e labbra. La ricca texture idratante si assorbe istantaneamente, riducendo visibilmente le occhiaie. La pelle ritrova un aspetto vellutato e radioso.


Formulated with SHISEIDO’s SkingenecellEnmei* to encourage the vitalizing forces that renew beautiful skin from its source.** Features Shiseido’s original technology, to boost certain powers within the skin that decline with age, for resilience from within. Developed with a patent pending formulation,*** Form Support Veil maintains eye and lip area contours that are prone to wrinkles and sagging. Using skin’s own protective power, this cream helps promote a healthy look without roughness. Japanese botanical ingredients Uji Green Tea Extract, Sakura Leaf Extract and Angelica Root Extract help support the regeneration of skin’s vitalizing forces.** * Patented (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, UK, USA, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan). ** in vitro test *** Patented pending (France, Italy, Germany, Spain, UK, USA, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan). DERMATOLOGIST AND OPHTHALMOLOGISTTESTED.

Come si applica

Utilizzare al mattino prima del prodotto con protezione UV e la sera come ultima fase della beauty routine. Stendere delicatamente e lentamente con i polpastrelli su contorno occhi e labbra seguendo la tecnica del massaggio Shiseido.